Monthly Archives: October 2013

Eat More, Weigh Less? Study Provides Clues For New Fat-loss Therapies In Humans

Is society marketing the wrong weight loss regimen? (Video)

If you take away the adrenaline-like component of the signaling, the serotonin still works but the efficacy is greatly reduced, Srinivasan told The same is true for the adrenalin-like signalingEach part of the circuit, or each neurotransmitter, requires the other. Furthermore, Srinivasan was able to confirm that altering serotonin and adrenaline facilitated weight loss in worms regardless of how much food they were consuming. We found that the receptors that control feeding behavior are distinct and separate from the ones that control fat loss, Srinivasan said. The reason you see fat loss in serotonin-treated animals is because they are burning more fat and expending more energy. Though human applications for these findings are still speculative, Srinivasan notes that the study might help pave the way for better weight loss drugs in the future. In fact, the now-banned weight loss drug Fen-Phen was a serotonin-plus-adrenaline-boosting therapy, according to Srinivasan.
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Women today are coming up with excellent weight loss and diet plans which better exemplify exercise as the epicenter of their goals – not just cutting down on foods they need. The Key to Permanent Fat Loss The key to permanent fat loss and optimal health resides within the ratio of the macro nutrients taken in, such as protein, carbohydrates and fats in each meal. Every time you eat, these macro nutrients create a specific hormonal response in the body. Hormones are messenger molecules that regulate virtually everything your body does. Hormones have a very large impact on how we feel and the quality of thoughts and actions. You can spend hundreds of hard-earned dollars on blood tests to see what your food intolerances are, but there is nothing more accurate than tuning into how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally after you have eaten.
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Almonds for weight loss

According to a new study published in the International Journal of Obesity , ‘Almonds may help you shed those unwanted pounds’. These nuts are healthy and are rich in healthy fats which offer a high level of satiety. Besides, they are also loaded with numerous nutrients like vitamins and minerals, which will help you to lower your carbohydrate cravings and so, help you lose weight. Almonds are also rich in minerals like manganese, copper and magnesium and B-complex vitamins like niacin and biotin, which help to activate the energy production in our bodies.
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